Needle Cartridges for 50PCS

Highest-quality tattoo cartridge needles of 50pcs/box for sale from Solong Tattoo® Supply. Medical-grade standard,100% EO Gas Sterilized and individually packaged. The unique safety membrane system design to prevent ink leakage to the tube or machine, excluding accidental damage or injury.
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Solong VITALITY Tattoo Needle Cartridges EN01S Round Liner/RL 20PCS/50PCS

Solong VITALITY Tattoo Needle Cartridges EN01S Round Liner/RL 20PCS/50PCS

$16.95 – $36.95
Solong VITALITY NEW green tattoo needle cartridges, same as the King’s Sword series, with sharper and stronger penetrating power. They run smoothly, save more ink, and provide fast color. Compatible...